I am sure you would have heard about Baro Ki’Teer or Void Trader in Warframe if you are an Avid Warframe Gamer. If you are active on Warframe Region Chat then you would have definitely heard about Baro Ki’Teer for sure. I had received a ton of requests from people asking us to explain them more on Baro Ki’Teer or Void Trader so yeah that’s what this article is about. In this article, I will be explaining and giving more information on Warframe Baro Ki’Teer or Void Trader Guide.
Warframe Baro Ki’Teer/Void Trader Full Guide
What is Baro Ki’Teer or Void Trader in Warframe?
Baro Ki’Teer or also called as Void Trader is a character in warframe who is known for his love for the exotic and luxury and involving on the Orokin Void. Baro Ki’Teer is collaborated or involved with Tenno by Selling various rare artifacts and items which are very valuable and unavailable anywhere in Warframe Game.
Baro Ki’Teer comes to the solar system once every two weeks. You will know when he comes because when Baro Ki’Teer arrives you will find a message in your inbox letting you know that he is in the game right now. If you wondering how long Baro Ki’Teer will stay then he will be staying for a couple of days.
During those couple of days, you can find Baro Ki’Teer or Void Trader on any of the relays in the system. Anyone. Baro Ki’Teer keeps moving from place to place from time to time but you can identify him with the symbol. As you know Baro Ki’Teer is a person or character who that would bring Rare and Exclusive items from the void and then you can buy those items only from him. You cant find those items on the market.
When is Baro Ki’Teer Arriving?
PC: Baro Ki’Teer arrives on Friday, June 28, 2019, at 13:00 UTC in Strata Relay (Earth).
Play Station 4: Baro Ki’Teer arrives on Friday, June 28, 2019, at 13:00 UTC in Strata Relay (Earth).
Xbox One: Baro Ki’Teer arrives on Friday, June 28, 2019, at 13:00 UTC in Vesper Replay (Venus).
Nintendo Switch: Baro Ki’Teer arrives on Friday, June 28, 2019, at 13:00 UTC in Larunda Replay (Mercury).
What are Ducats?
Ducats is a unique or exclusive currency that you can get by exchanging prime parts from Ducat Kiosks which are located in Relays. Ducat’s currency is exclusively used with Baro Ki’Teer. Prime Weapon Parts, Prime Warframe Components, and Prime Blueprints can be exchanged for Ducats from the Ducat Kiosks.
How to Get Ducats or How to Farm Ducats in Warframe?
If you wonder How to Get Ducts or How to Farm Ducats then remember this Farming ducat is just Farming Prime Parts so that you can sell those Prime Parts in Ducat Kiosk and Get Ducats in return. So the primary goal is to farm and store Prime Parts.
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These are some of the examples of the Ducat Values by Relic Tier (Just for your understanding)
Prime Part: Akbolto Prime Blueprint
Drop Location:
Meso D3 Common
Neo Z2 Common
Neo M1 Common (V)
Neo V7 Common (V)
Ducat Value: 15 Ducats
Prime Part: Akstiletto Prime Receiver
Drop Location:
Axi H1 Uncommon (V)
Axi K1 Uncommon (V)
Axi O1 Uncommon (V)
Axi T1 Uncommon (V)
Ducat Value: 45 Ducats
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Prime Part: Braton Prime Barrel
Drop Locations:
Lith K2 Common
Lith A1 Common (V)
Meso G1 Common (V)
Meso N3 Common (V)
Meso S5 Common (V)
Neo A1 Common (V)
Neo B5 Common (V)
Neo K2 Common (V)
Axi A3 Common (V)
Axi N6 Common (V)
Ducats Value: 15 Ducats
Prime Part: Cernos Prime Upper Limb
Drop Locations:
Lith V3 Common (V)
Meso C2 Common (V)
Meso K1 Common (V)
Meso O2 Common (V)
Meso S7 Common (V)
Neo N6 Common (V)
Axi N4 Common (V)
Ducats Value: 15 Ducats
Prime Part: Dual Kamas Prime Blueprint
Drop Locations:
Lith S6 Common (V)
Neo T1 Common (V)
Neo V1 Common (V)
Axi N3 Common (V)
Axi V1 Common (V)
Axi V5 Common (V)
Ducats Value: 15 Ducats
Prime Part: Fang Prime Blade
Drop Locations:
Neo S11 Common
Lith C1 Common (V)
Lith F1 Common (V)
Lith N1 Common (V)
Lith P1 Common (V)
Lith S5 Common (V)
Lith S6 Common (V)
Meso M2 Common (V)
Neo S7 Common (V)
Axi B1 Common (V)
Axi B2 Common (V)
Axi N1 Common (V)
Axi O2 Common (V)
Ducats Value: 15 Ducats
Prime Part: Galantine Prime Blade
Drop Locations:
Lith S7 Common (V)
Meso C2 Common (V)
Meso S2 Common (V)
Meso S4 Common (V)
Meso S6 Common (V)
Neo N6 Common (V)
Neo V2 Common (V)
Neo V3 Common (V)
Axi N4 Common (V)
Axi O2 Common (V)
Ducats Value: 15 Ducats
Prime Part: Hydroid Prime Chassis Blueprint
Drop Locations:
Neo S11 Common
Meso H1 Common (V)
Neo B4 Common (V)
Neo N8 Common (V)
Neo S8 Common (V)
Axi C3 Common (V)
Axi C4 Common (V)
Ducats Value: 15 Ducats
Prime Part: Kronen Prime Handle
Drop Locations:
Meso D3 Uncommon
Neo S11 Uncommon
Meso A1 Uncommon (V)
Meso B2 Uncommon (V)
Neo B4 Uncommon (V)
Ducats Value: 45 Ducats
Prime Part: Lex Prime Barrel
Drop Locations:
Lith B6 Common
Meso T3 Common
Axi A2 Common (B)
Lith A2 Common (V)
Lith H2 Common (V)
Lith T2 Common (V)
Lith V2 Common (V)
Meso S5 Common (V)
Meso S9 Common (V)
Meso T2 Common (V)
Meso V4 Common (V)
Neo N3 Common (V)
Neo S1 Common (V)
Axi K1 Common (V)
Axi N5 Common (V)
Axi V7 Common (V)
Ducats Value: 15 Ducats
I am concluding this article here. I hope that this article on Baro Ki’Teer or Void Trader Guide in Warframe. If you felt that this article was helpful then please share it with your Warframe Friends. If you have any problems or doubts then dont hesitate to comment below. Thank You and Visit us again.